1.5 Degree Lifestyles

Check your carbon footprint, learn how to reduce it, and contribute to climate change research.

What is the carbon footprint?

What is the carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is a calculation of the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual. This questionnaire is part of the project 1,5 degree compatible living in the Nordic conditions: attitudes, lifestyles and carbon footprints, funded by The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS). The collected information will only be utilized in non-profit academic research and will not be sold nor revealed for any other purposes.

How this study works?

Fill in the survey

Fill in the survey

Fill in the survey and find out your personal carbon footprint. Compare your results to other’s and share your carbon footprint in facebook if you wish.

Learn about your carbon footprint

Learn about your carbon footprint

Find out our suggestions to decrease your personal carbon footprint!

Get involved in the next study phase

Get involved in the next study phase

If you wish, you can also participate to our more detailed second phase survey in the future, contribute to scientific research and learn even more about your carbon footprint!

What’s next? Next phase of the research

What’s next? Next phase of the research

On the second phase of our research a softGIS method based electronic diary to capture the lifestyles and consumption habits of the studied consumers is introduced. This diary-type second round questionnaire is longer and will provide both the participants and the research team with more detailed information about their carbon footprints. Participation to second phase is completely voluntary.